Monday, August 15, 2011

Hosta Heaven

Once in a while I come across a client who doesn't need a whole lot of help with their yard - I get to enjoy what they have done.  One of my clients in particular is a master gardener and I am always in awe every time I stop by.  He has basically all shade in his yard and has put together some great combinations of hosta.  I know "hosta" sounds boring to some people, but I'd say they are anything but...  There are thousands of different varieties of hosta - all shades of green, beautiful variegated ones, and different textured leaves.  Believe it or not, some hosta get 6 feet wide while others only reach 3 inches.  They are about the lowest maintenance, toughest perennial you can get. Hosta tend to burn out in the sun, but there are some varieties that do tolerate it pretty well.  Below are some photos of hosta combos that I love (from my client's beautiful garden).
 He also has allium popping up in his hosta beds which looked amazing.  These photos were taken after the allium was done blooming, but if you look close you can still see the brown flower stems in the background.

Below is one of my everyday hosta favs, Frances Williams Hosta.  I love the chartreuse and blue/green variegation and also the puckered texture.

Here's a fun one: Strip Tease Hosta

You know you've come across a hosta lover when they have a miniature hosta collection. I'm not certain on all the varieties of these little guys, but I do know the larger one in the middle is Blue Mouse Ears and smallest one in this collection is Pandora's Box.

Pandora's Box up close.  I had to stick my hand in there so you can tell how very small and cute it is (Not my hand, the hosta).

You really don't need a ton of color to make a garden interesting.  The different shades of green and size/texture combos of hosta are subtle but stunning.  Don't you think?

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